…and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.”
Psalm 68:5
About two or three months ago, Lori began to advocate for Chinese orphans with Down Syndrome. As many of you know, she has always had a special place in her heart for the Chinese orphans. She posted photos of several girls with Downs on our refrigerator and we began to pray that God would move in someone’s heart to adopt these precious gifts. As I began to pray for these girls, God began to whisper that one of them, (Abby) was our daughter. “What Lord? Are you sure? I mean, come on!… We already have three of your precious angels from China…we do not have the money…our house isn’t big enough…and besides, what about the ministry You’ve called me to as an itinerant preacher, evangelist, and missionary?” Again, He whispered, “Abby is your daughter. I’ve chosen you and Lori to love her and raise her in My name. Besides, the only ministry I’ve really called you to is to follow me…wherever I lead you …and to trust Me wherever we go.” I heard him loud and clear. So clear that every time I would even think about Abby, I would start to tear up. I knew Lori would be excited and I could not wait to tell her. So, before I left to go speak on a trip out to Houston, I sat down with her and told her that after much prayer and seeking the Lord’s leading, I felt Him leading us to adopt Abby. We both cried! She shared how she had believed Abby was ours since the first time she saw her face, but had committed to the Lord that He would have to speak to my heart if it were so!” Well, He did and we have now begun the process to bring Abby home from China later this year. What a privilege to be able to share the love of Jesus with another one of His precious treasures!
We are so excited and wanted to share the news with all of you. Thank you so much for your continued prayers for our ministry. We have been so blessed by your encouraging gifts and prayers. As we move forward, would you please join us in praying that God would supply all the funds needed to bring Abby home and for transitioning Abby into our home? Also, remember to pray for the orphans around the world and ask God how He would have you serve HIm in ministering to the fatherless in His name!! To see just a few of the children that desperately need hope, you can go to Lori’s blog at www.LoriMcCary.com and click on the “Hidden Treasures” link.
I’m so thankful that God gave me a wife with a heart for HIm and for what He is doing around the world! Look at these precious gifts on the left and rejoice with us that God has allowed our family to be a part of His heart for the fatherless! Thank you for also playing a part in that too!