Better late than never…I think…

Categories: News

This blog is two months past due.  For any of you that know me real well, you would say that’s par for the course! Unfortunately, the last couple of months have been gobbled up with something we seem to experience a lot of…another transition!  Yes, in July, we transitioned from Men At The Cross back to HisLight International Ministries.  Although, I’m still partnering with Men At The Cross, we’ve just had to change where our partners send their support. This will also allow us more opportunities to to be involved with international evangelism/discipleship and leadership training overseas.  I’m also helping out part-time at our church in Florida with outreach and missions. To bring you up to date on some ministry highlights— We had a great outreach at Easter with over 1,200 people attending the sunrise service where we shared “The Crossbuilder” drama and the Gospel (See the video on our website).

In May, we had the opportunity to share with over 200 men at a men’s retreat at Crossroads Community Church in Vancouver, WA.  We received an email not too long ago from one of the attendees that said,

“I just wanted to say thank you for coming out and speaking at our men’s conference this past weekend.  Your  testimony has motivated me to dig deeper, and push past the junk this world offers.” 

Another man said this,

I struggle daily with a job that I feel completely wrong for.  This has caused great distress and depression in my personal life.  Yet I stick with it because of the good pay and poor prospects for a new position in this economy.  I have lived with the constant feeling of being on the wrong track of life and trapped in my circumstances.  Your story has reminded me that we are never truly “trapped” when we allow Christ to guide us.  A fulfilling and Christ filled life is what I desire for myself and my family.  I pray that your words will burrow into my heart, and help me burn for Christ.”

In June, I traveled to California, where I had the unique opportunity to share my testimony with some strategic people in the television and film industry.

Thank You for partnering with us to help these men in their journey with Christ and to share with those walking in darkness.  Our desire is that we would shine brightly so that God would be glorified as we continue to bring hope and encouragement around the world. Please continue to pray for God’s provision for us and for opportunities to spread His Light and His Glory.


“Let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen.” 

                                                                                                               — Psalm 72:19

Author: RussM